# Wiki

All Wikis are running MediaWiki (opens new window) 1.35 with a collection of skins and extensions:

Skins: MinervaNeue, Modern, Timeless, Vector

Extensions: DeleteBatch, Echo, Nuke, TemplateSandbox, CodeEditor, CodeMirror, WikiEditor, EmbedVideo, Cite, Graph, Kartographer, Math, ParserFunctions, Poem, Score, WikiHiero, Scribunto, SyntaxHighlight, TemplateData, ConfirmEdit, ReCaptchaNoCaptcha, TorBlock, PageImages, EntitySchema, AdvancedSearch, CLDR, JsonConfig, MobileFrontend, MultimediaViewer, OAuth, RevisionSlider, SecureLinkFixer, Thanks, TwoColConflict, UniversalLanguageSelector, Wikibase, WikbaseInWikitext, WikibaseManifest

# Initial login

Once you have created a Wiki the first account login details will be emailed to you.

Look for an email like this.

Head to your wiki, click on the "Log in" link and enter your details.

You will then need to set a new password.

The sidebar is useful to navigate to the various services that come with your wiki, as well as some key pages.

# Wikibase

The primary thing WBStack was created for.

Thus more content should probably be added here...