# Cert Manager
cert-manager (opens new window) provides automatic certificate management in Kubernetes.
Simply put, you can define "Certificate" resources in Kubernetes, and cert-manager will go to an ACME provider for the certificate, dealing with DNS or HTTP verification of the domain using an ingress.
Further Reading:
- Quickstart with nginx ingress (opens new window)
- gcloud dns01 issuer docs (opens new window)
- kubectl plugin (opens new window)
# Installation
cert-manager currently has a bit of a cumbersome setup requiring custom resource definitions and multiple helmfile deployments.
# Definitions
First you need to apply some of the static "definitions" to the Kubernetes cluster.
These can all be found in the deploy repo k8s/definitions/cert-manager directory (opens new window).
- 00-namespace.yaml - A namespace for the cert-manager deployment to live in.
- 01-crds.yaml - The CRDs for cert-manager (Custom Resource definitions)
- 02-certificates-*.yaml - The certificates for our domains (See warning below)
# Service account
A Google Cloud service account is required so that cert-manager can interace with the Google DNS.
In WBStack production this service account was created with deployment manager. You can find the old code for this here (opens new window).
The service account needs:
- Name: certman-dns01-solver
- Role: roles/dns.admin
Once the service account has been created you need to get a key for the account and create it as a Kubernetes secret. Some sample commands for doing this are below:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./certman-dns01-solver-1.json --iam-account certman-dns01-solver@wbstack.iam.gserviceaccount.com
kubectl create secret generic clouddns-dns01-solver-svc-acct --namespace=cert-manager --from-file=key.json=./certman-dns01-solver-1.json --dry-run=true --output=yaml > ./clouddns-dns01-solver-svc-acct.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./clouddns-dns01-solver-svc-acct.yaml
This secret name will be used in the CLusterIssuers below.
# Helmfiles
The helmfile deployment is currently split in 2:
- clusterissuers - helmified definitions of ClusterIssuers, that allow cert-manager to actually fetch certificates.
- cert-manager - The actual cert-manager service deployment.
These can be applied using the standard helm methods.
# Debugging
https://docs.cert-manager.io/en/latest/reference/orders.html (opens new window)
See the certificate for the main domain:
kubectl describe certificate wbstack-com-tls
This will list the current status and any current orders that are occurring.
You can then get the details of the order:
kubectl describe order wbstack-com-tls-356876054
Which will list a collection of challenges.
You can see the details of the challenges
kubectl describe challenge wbstack-com-tls-356876054-0
kubectl describe challenge wbstack-com-tls-356876054-1
You can see if DNS challenges have made it to Google Cloud DNS by going to:
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