All DNS management currently takes place in the deploy repo repo gce/dns directory (opens new window). However we would recommend that you setup resources like this using Terraform.

The DNS records for wbstack.com and opencura.com are managed on Google Cloud.

DNS zones were origionally created using deployment manager and the createZones.sh script.

The zone files where then retrieved using pull.sh.

They can be modified in the deploy repo, updated live using push.sh and then committed.


When running createZones.sh you may receive an error if you have not yet enabled the Cloud DNS API.

The error message will provide you with a link to enable this API.

You can check the DNS status using a tool such as this (opens new window)

# Needed Records

NS and SOA records are needed for both domains, when setting up the Google Cloud zone these should be provided for you when you pull.sh.


The nameservers that Google want you to use for different zones may differ.

For example wbstack.com uses ns-cloud-e[1234].googledomains.com but opencura.com uses ns-cloud-d[1234].googledomains.com.

# wbstack.com

wbstack.com & *.wbstack.com for general traffic, such as www, api etc.

Various mail related records are needed. Mailgun documentation was followed to create these.

sites-1.dyna.wbstack.com is used as a CNAME target for custom wiki domains used as part of the platform.

wiki.wbstack.com was created to point to the self hosted community documentation site.

# opencura.com

*.opencura.com points to the platform static IP for serving wikis created with free subdomains.